KDD 2020 Call for Student Registration Award Applications [DEADLINE EXTENDED!]

SIGKDD 2020 will be fully virtual and offer travel awards (i.e., free registration) to full-time student attendees. The purpose of the student travel grants is to encourage student participation at the conference by funding the costs of students who would otherwise be unable to attend. As a special add on to the benefits for this unique year, KDD will also apply a $100 registration credit to any 2020 accepted student’s 2021 KDD registration fee.

Applications are accepted from full-time students at degree granting institutions. The amount and way of support provided to each grantee are set by the sponsors (NSF and ACM SIGKDD), and they are intended to cover the grantee’s expenses on attending SIGKDD 2020 virtually. Thanks to the support from NSF, we are still accepting applications from US-based students (i.e., full-time students who are enrolled in US schools) until August 12th, 2020 to support the conference registration fee only.

All full-time graduate and undergraduate students with evidence established in data mining research are encouraged to apply. SIGKDD encourages participation of women and under-represented minorities, as well as participation of newcomer students (Please include this information in your self-statement only if available).

How to submit an application:

Submission deadline: 11:59PM PDT, July 20, 2020

Notification: August 1, 2020 (Please do not register until the notification is received)

Please read the following instructions carefully before you submit your application. Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will receive full consideration.

Only PDF documents are accepted. Late submissions, or documents in other formats will not be accepted. All questions should be addressed to travelawards2020@kdd.org.

All applicants need to submit their applications at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kdd20sta.

How can we assist you?

We'll be updating the website as information becomes available. If you have a question that requires immediate attention, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!

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