KDD 2014 Call for Papers, Workshops, Tutorials and Sponsorships

ACM SIGKDD invites submissions and sponsorships for KDD 2014

August 24-27, 2014, New York City, USA

Welcome to KDD 2014, an interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from all aspects of data mining, knowledge discovery, and large-scale data analytics.

Special theme :
This year, we have a special theme: Data Mining for Social Good. It will highlight how the work of data analytics researchers and practitioners contributes towards social good, and how these high impact social problems provide a rich set of challenges for KDD researchers to work on.

Visit for more details on review criteria!

Call for papers: Research track Paper submission and deadlines

KDD accepts only electronic submissions in PDF format at

Abstracts must be electronically submitted by Thursday, February 13, 2014, 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Papers must be electronically submitted by Friday, February 21, 2014, 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.

All submissions must be in PDF format, follow the ACM Proceedings Template (Tighter Alternate style), and should not exceed 10 pages (all included). The maximum file size for submissions is 10 MB.

Call for papers: Industry & Government track Paper submission and deadlines

KDD accepts only electronic submissions in PDF format at

Abstracts must be electronically submitted by Thursday, February 13, 2014, 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Papers must be electronically submitted by Friday, February 21, 2014, 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.

All submissions must be in PDF format, follow the ACM Proceedings Template (Tighter Alternate style), and should not exceed 10 pages (all included). The maximum file size for submissions is 10 MB.

Call for workshops

The ACM KDD 2014 organizing committee would like to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference.


The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum to discuss important research questions and practical challenges in data mining and related areas. Novel ideas, controversial issues, open problems and comparisons of competing approaches are strongly encouraged as workshop topics. Representation of alternative viewpoints and panel-style discussions are also particularly encouraged for all the workshops.

Possible workshop topics include all areas of data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, statistics, and data and information sciences, but are not limited to these. Interdisciplinary workshops with applications of data mining and data sciences to various disciplines (such as medicine, biology, sustainability, ecology, social sciences, humanities, or aerospace) are of high interest.

KDD 2014 Call for Tutorial Proposals

KDD-2014 will feature tutorials on topics of interests to the research community as well as industry practitioners. We invite proposals for tutorials from active researchers and experienced industry practitioners.

We seek tutorials covering the state-of-the-art research, cutting-edge industry development and applications, and practical tools in a data mining direction that stimulate and facilitate future work. Tutorials on interdisciplinary directions, novel and fast growing directions, and significant applications are highly encouraged.

We solicit proposals of tutorials of two types: (1) lecture style short courses about data mining technical research and development, and (2) hands-on style for practical skills and tools. Each tutorial should be about 3 hours in length.

A tutorial proposal should consists of the following sections:

1. Title

2. Abstract (up to 150 words)

3. Target audience and prerequisites. Proposals must clearly identify the intended audience for the tutorial (e.g., novice users of statistical techniques, or expert researchers in text mining), and the background that is required of the audience. The proposal should describe why the topic is important/interesting to the KDD community and outline the benefit to participants.

4. Outline of the tutorial. Enough material should be included to provide a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth to which it will be covered. Please provide as much details as possible, it will help the KDD Tutorial co-chairs to select the tutorials best suited for KDD and its audience. Note that the tutors should NOT focus exclusively on their own research results.
A KDD tutorial is not meant to be a forum for promoting one's research or product.

5. A list of forums and their time and locations if the tutorial or a similar/highly related tutorial has been presented by the same author(s) before, and highlight the similarity/difference between those and the one proposed for KDD'14 (up to 100 words for each entry)

6. Tutors' short bio and their expertise related to the tutorial (up to 200 words per tutor)

7. A list of the most important references that will be covered in the tutorial

8.  Equipment and software requirement if there is any.

9. (Optional) URLs of the slides/notes of the previous tutorials given by the authors, and any specific audio/video/computer requirements for the tutorial.

Proposals should be received by Saturday, March 1st. Please submit by email with subject heading: "KDD14 Tutorial Proposal Submission" 


Sponsorship Opportunities:

Become a sponsor and support the largest community of data mining and data science practitioners across academia and industry! For opportunities contact:

For details about SIGKDD please visit:

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