Workshops IDWorkshop NameCFPThemeFormatDayFD-2The 3rd Workshop on Graph Learning Benchmarks (GLB 2023)CFPGraphFull DaySundayHD-42nd ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Ethical Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications (EAI)CFPResponsible AIHalf DaySunday (AM)HD-17From Innovation to Scale (I2S)CFPHalf DaySunday (AM)HD-20The 12th International Workshop on Urban ComputingCFPHalf DaySunday (AM)HD-21KDD-2023 Workshop on Decision Intelligence and Analytics for Online MarketplacesCFPFinanceHalf DaySunday (AM)HD-242nd Workshop on End-End Customer Journey OptimizationCFPHalf DaySunday (AM)HD-9The 4th International Workshop on Talent and Management Computing (TMC’2023)CFPHalf DaySunday (PM)HD-10The Second Workshop on Knowledge-Augmented Methods for Natural Language ProcessingCFPNLPHalf DaySunday (PM)HD-113rd International Workshop on Knowledge-infused LearningCFPHalf DaySunday (PM)HD-233rd Workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems (OARS)CFPRecommendationHalf DaySunday (PM)FD-1KDD 2023 International Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (DSSG’23)Responsible AIFull DayMondayFD-3epiDAMIK 6.0: The 6th International Workshop on Epidemiology meets Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryCFPBio/HealthFull DayMondayFD-4AdKDD 2023CFPRecommendationFull DayMondayFD-5International Workshop on Federated Learning for Distributed Data MiningCFPFull DayMondayFD-6Fragile Earth: AI for Climate Sustainability – from Wildfire Disaster Management to Public Health and BeyondCFPEnvironmentFull DayMondayFD-7Machine Learning in FinanceCFPFinanceFull DayMondayFD-8Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications (DLG-KDD2023) *CFPGraphFull DayMondayFD-919th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG) *CFPGraphFull DayMondayHD-1Workshop on Causal Discovery, Prediction and DecisionCFPCausalHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-2KDD 2023 Workshop on Data Science and AI for SportsCFPSportsHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-3The Second Workshop on Applied Machine Learning ManagementCFPHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-8The 6th Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP (ECNLP 6)CFPNLPHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-13Foundations and Applications in Large-scale AI Models: Pre-training, Fine-tuning, and Prompt-based LearningCFPHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-16The 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence-enabled Cybersecurity AnalyticsCFPHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-182nd Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning and Quantification in Decision MakingCFPHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-22Multi-Armed Bandits and Reinforcement Learning: Advancing Decision Making in E-Commerce and BeyondCFPFinanceHalf DayMonday (AM)HD-5EvalRS 2023: Well-Rounded Recommender Systems For Real-World DeploymentsCFPRecommendationHalf DayMonday (PM)HD-6Workshop on Applied Data Science for Healthcare: Applications and New Frontiers of Generative Models for HealthcareCFPBio/HealthHalf DayMonday (PM)HD-7Causal Inference and Machine Learning in Practice: Use cases for Product, Brand, Policy, and beyondCFPCausalHalf DayMonday (PM)HD-12International Workshop on Multimodal Learning – 2023 Theme: Multimodal Learning with Foundation ModelsCFPHalf DayMonday (PM)HD-14The 9th SIGKDD International Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time SeriesCFPHalf DayMonday (PM)HD-15Robust NLP for Finance (RobustFin)CFPNLPHalf DayMonday (PM)HD-19RelKD 2023: International Workshop on Resource-Efficient Learning for Knowledge DiscoveryCFPHalf DayMonday (PM)FD-1022nd International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD 2023)CFPBio/HealthFull DayWednesday * combined workshops, same time/room