KDD Cup 2005: Internet user search query categorization
Competition Rules
Agreement: By sending the registration email, you indicate your full and unconditional agreement and acceptance of these contest rules.
Eligibility: The contest is open to any party planning to attend KDD 2005. A person can participate in only one group. Multiple submissions per group are allowed, since we will not provide feedback at the time of submission. Only the last submission before the deadline will be evaluated and all other submissions will be discarded.
Integrity: The contestant takes the responsibility of obtaining any permission to use any algorithms/tools/data that are intellectual property of third party.
Winner Selection: There will be three prizes awarding "Query Categorization Precision Award" , "Query Categorization Performance Award", and "Query Categorization Creativity Award". One winner will be selected for each award.
The winners will be determined according to the following method. All participants are ranked according to their overall performance and average precision on the test set. Participants will also be ranked based on their creativity of their methodologies
Winner of "Query Categorization Performance Award" is the participant who has the best average performance rank in terms of F1 defined below.
Among the participants who have top 10 F1 scores, we will honor the winner of "Query Categorization Precision Award" to be the one who has the best average precision.
Winner of "Query Categorization Creativity Award" is the participant whose model has a top 20 average rank in terms of F1 defined below and is highly outstanding at its creative ideas judged by the KDD Cup co-chairs and a group of search experts. The scalability and level of automation of the model will also be considered in the judgment.
An honorable mention will be awarded for each prize.