
KDD Cup 2003: Network mining and usage log analysis

Competition Rules

Agreement: Participation in the contest constitutes the participant's full and unconditional agreement and acceptance of these rules.

Eligibility: The contest is open to any party planning to attend KDD 2003. Each of the four tasks will be evaluated separately; you can enter as many tasks (or as few tasks) as you like. Only one submission per task per group is allowed. A person can participate in only one group per task.

Integrity: For Tasks I, only the data provided from this website can be used for the contest; use of external data for this task constitutes cheating and is prohibited.

In Task IV, use of external data is allowed.

For Tasks II, and III, our initial policy was to prohibit the use of external data. The intent of this was to prevent KDD Cup participants from designing solutions in which they explicitly make use of on-line resources that might be construed as containing partial solutions to the specified tasks. However, after considerable communication with Cup participants, we feel it is necessary to resolve the policy more finely, in a way that still preserves its initial intent: (1) The use of any bibliographic data, task-specific external data, or any other external resources specific to the task of indexing scientific literature, is prohibited. (2) However, the use of generic lexical resources -- that is, general resources about the English language, such as WordNet, general-purpose dictionaries and thesauri, and lists of stop-words -- is permitted. (3) If you are making use of external resources other than the examples specifically mentioned in (2), you must verify their eligibility with the KDD Cup chairs as soon as possible, and in no case later than July 1.

Winner Selection: Winners will be announced on August 15th, 2003 for each of the four different tasks. The evaluation criteria are discussed in each task description. Honorable mentions may also be awarded for noteworthy submissions.

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