January 2002, Volume 3, Issue 2
- Editorial []
- Mining Data Streams under Block Evolution [1]
- Towards Effective and Interpretable Data Mining by Visual Interaction [11]
- Requirements for Clustering Data Streams [23]
- Interactive Mining and Knowledge Reuse for the Closed-Itemset Incremental-Mining Problem [28]
- MobiMine: Monitoring the Stock Market from a PDA [37]
- KDD Cup 2001 Report [47]
- MDM/KDD: Multimedia Data Mining for the Second Time [65]
- Workshop Report: The Fourth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets [68]
- Visual Data Mining -- KDD Workshop Report [70]
- BIOKDD01: Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics [71]
- When and How to Subsample: Report on the KDD-2001 Panel [74]
- Report on the SIGKDD 2001 Conference Panel "New Research Directions in KDD" [76]
- VDM@ECML/PKDD2001: The International Workshop on Visual Data Mining at ECML/PKDD 2001 [78]
July 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- What's Interesting About Cricket? -- On Thresholds and Anticipation in Discovered Rules [1]
- Resource Description Framework: Metadata and Its Applications [6]
- Towards Long Pattern Generation in Dense Databases [20]
- A Preprocessing Scheme for High-Cardinality Categorical Attributes in Classification and Prediction Problems [27]
- Genetic Subtyping using Cluster Analysis [33]
- Report on the Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Workshop (DMKD 2001) [ [43]
- KDnuggets Interview with Usama Fayyad [45]
- KDnuggets Interview with Jesus Mena [49]
December 2000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- Editorial []
- Support Vector Machines: Hype or Hallelujah? [1]
- Mining Frequent Patterns by Pattern-Growth: Methodology and Implications [14]
- The Segment Support Map: Scalable Mining of Frequent Itemsets [21]
- Mining Patterns in Long Sequential Data with Noise [ [28]
- Distributed Data Clustering Can Be Efficient and Exact [34]
- Scalable Data Mining with Model Constraints [39]
- An Efficient Data Compression Approach to the Classification Task [49]
- Systems Support for Scalable Data Mining [56]
- Mining Frequent Patterns with Counting Inference [66]
- Measuring Lift Quality in Database Marketing [76]
- The UCI KDD Archive of Large Data Sets for Data Mining Research and Experimentation [81]
- KDD-Cup 2000 Organizers' Report: Peeling the Onion [86]
- Text Mining as Integration of Several Related Research Areas: Report on KDD'2000 Workshop on Text Mining [99]
- Report on MDM/KDD2000: The 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining [103]
- WEBKDD 2000 -- Web Mining for E-Commerce [106]
- Report from the Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery, ACM SIGKDD-2000 [108]
- Postprocessing in Machine Learning and Data Mining [110]
- Report on the KDD2000 Panel Personalization and Data Mining: Exploring the Synergies [115]
- News, Events, and Announcements [117]
June 2000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- Editorial []
- Web Mining Research: A Survey [1]
- Web for Data Mining: Organizing and Interpreting the Discovered Rules using the Web [16]
- Data Mining Models as Services on the Internet [24]
- Concept-Based Knowledge Discovery in Texts Extracted from the Web [29]
- A Fine Grained Heuristic to Capture Web Navigation Patterns [40]
- Scalability for Clustering Algorithms Revisited [51]
- Algorithms for Association Rule Mining -- A General Survey and Comparison [58]
- Understanding the Crucial Differences Between Classification and Discovery of Association Rules -- A Position Paper [65]
- NASA Workshop on Issues in the Application of Data Mining to Scientific Data [70]
- Report on WebDB'2000: 3rd International Workshop on the Web and Databases 80 [80]
- Workshop Report: 2000 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 83 [83]
- News, Events and Announcements [85]
January 2000, Volume 1, Issue 2
- Editorial []
- Web Mining Research: A Survey [1]
- Web for Data Mining: Organizing and Interpreting the Discovered Rules using the Web [16]
- Data Mining Models as Services on the Internet [24]
- Concept-Based Knowledge Discovery in Texts Extracted from the Web [29]
- A Fine Grained Heuristic to Capture Web Navigation Patterns [40]
- Scalability for Clustering Algorithms Revisited [51]
- Algorithms for Association Rule Mining -- A General Survey and Comparison [58]
- Understanding the Crucial Differences Between Classification and Discovery of Association Rules -- A Position Paper [65]
- NASA Workshop on Issues in the Application of Data Mining to Scientific Data [70]
- Report on WebDB'2000: 3rd International Workshop on the Web and Databases [ [80]
- Workshop Report: 2000 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery [83]
- News, Events and Announcements [ [85]