2021 SIGKDD Rising Star Award

2021 SIGKDD Rising Star Award Award Winner

The 2021 SIGKDD Rising Star Award is presented to Dr. Xia “Ben” Hu of Rice University, for his significant research in human-centric data mining and contribution to developing interpretable and automated methods to make complex machine learning algorithms easily used by domain experts.

Dr. Xia “Ben” Hu is an Associate Professor at Rice University in the Department of Computer Science. Dr. Hu has published over 100 papers in several major academic venues, including NeurIPS, ICLR, KDD, WWW, IJCAI, AAAI, etc. An open-source package developed by his group, namely AutoKeras, has become the most used automated deep learning system on Github (with over 8,000 stars and 1,000 forks). Also, his work on deep collaborative filtering, anomaly detection and knowledge graphs have been included in the TensorFlow package, Apple production system and Bing production system, respectively. His papers have received severaL Best Paper (Candidate) awards from venues such as WWW, WSDM and ICDM. He is the recipient of NSF CAREER Award. His work has been cited more than 10,000 times with an h-index of 41. He was the conference General Co-Chair for WSDM 2020.

RISING STAR AWARD COMMITTEE: Rakesh Agrawal; Michael Zeller; Ying Li; Thorsten Joachims; Ted Senator; Sunita Sarawagi; Vipin Kumar; Martin Ester; Zhi-Hua Zhou; Ke Wang; Diane Joyce Cook

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