2011 SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award
2011 SIGKDD Dissertation Award AwardWINNER
Enabling Accurate Analysis of Private Network Data
Michael Hay (student), David Jensen and Gerome Miklau (advisors) at UMass Amherst
Dr. Hay's dissertation presents several discoveries and innovations in the area of privacy-preserving analysis of relational data. These findings are likely to have important implications for preserving personal privacy while analyzing data in social networks.
A Framework for Promotion Analysis in Multi-Dimensional Space
Tianyi Wu (student) and Jiawei Han (advisor) at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Data Mining Techniques for Enhancing Protein Function Prediction
Gaurav Pandey and Vipin Kumar (advisor) at the University of Minnesota
Correlation Analysis: From Computation Hardness to Practical Success
Wenjun Zhou (student) and Hui Xiong (advisor) at Rutgers University
Constraint-Based Mining of Closed Patterns in Noisy N-Ary Relations
Loic Cerf (student) and Jean-Françs Boulicaut (advisor)